Monday, January 2, 2012

Tweak #17 - TwitkaFly

Hello again, let's get back where we left off! Go ahead into your Settings app to check out what's new for today.

TwitkaFly is a nice little handy tweak that allows you to update your Twitter from anywhere in the iOS.

Your basic settings include QuickReply, QuickReply to which app (Twitter, Tweetbot, Tweetings), Quick Compose button in Notification Center, and of course your login.

 TwitkaFly also allows you to add usernames, which I do not really know what it's used for as I'm the only one updating my own account :)

You can setup an Activator gesture for QuickTweet but I left that option out as I'd rather have the Quick Compose button in Notification Center, as you'll see in a little bit.

Delivered Sound is a nice little touch.

I don't really know what "To Hide" option does, but I selected "Just button" and no issues here.

Simple whitelist.

As well as a simple blacklist.

Documentaion, thanks, help, and creator info all in there as well.

Let's check it out see how it looks. As you can see, when you pull down the Notification Center, there is a little blue icon in the lower left corner.

When you tap on it, you get a nice little popup that let's you update your Twitter! When you're done typing, you'll see a blue "Tweet" button on the right side and after tapping on that, you're done! Successfully updated your Twitter. Quick and easy.

TwitkaFly is available in the BigBoss repo, created by moeseth and for a mere $1.99. A must for those Twitter users!

Full detail, description and changelog included. Follow me on Google+ and Twitter, come back soon I have more tweaks ready to be written and published. Feel free to throw in some suggestions if there's anything you'd like to see in particular. Cheers!

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