Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Return & New Blog!


After a very extended period of time waiting, going to school and working 2 jobs I decided to revive the tweak reviews. Since I'm not using my old iPhone 4 anymore, it would be kind of silly to continue on writing on here. Right now I have an iPhone 5s and soon to upgrade to the iPhone 6, even more so "iPhone 4 Cydia Tweaks" blog wouldn't really make sense.

With that said, I'm happy to present a new blog I've created recently!

iOS Cydia Tweaks

I'm still working on a few minor things, fine tune the little details and posts will start rolling in soon. Yes I know, it's been almost a year since last time I said something but I'm back and will try to stay consistent. Thanks for being patient!

If you'd like to see specific tweaks reviewed, please let me know!
