Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tweak #34 - TypeStatus

Last one for the day! TypeStatus is a nifty little tweak that will show a little chat bubble in the status bar informing you when someone is sending you an iMessage. It works both in lockscreen:

And in homescreen, as well as in any app:

There are no options to configure, just install and go!!

Available for free in the BigBoss repo, courtesy of HASHBANG Productions. That's all I got for you today! I'd like to thank all those who come visit my blog, I already suprassed 17k views! That's awesome, hope all of you enjoy my posts and please share them with your jailbreak friends! Follow me on Google+ or Twitter to stay up to date with what I'm doing. Yes, I am busy and can't really post anything up on a regular basis but I will do my best! Keep on tweaking your iDevices :)


Tweak #33 - SubtleLock

Here's another beautiful tweak that I think tops them all. SubtleLock, as the name implies, makes your locksreen look a little more subtle. Check it out..

Now, there's only a few options to pick in the Settings app for SubtleLock.

First one is the Enabled toggle for the tweak itself. Next up are Enable Clock, Enable Slider and Hide Date. Enable Clock will set the clock in the upper left corner like I have in the screenshot above. Disabling it will return the clock to normal. Enable Slider will toggle between the stock slider and the modified one you see in first screenshot. Hide Date acts similar to Enable Clock, but it will actually completely hide the date and leave the clock in the middle.

That's all there is for SubtleLock! I do like it, even though I just got it installed! I actually had a list of tweaks for the past 2 weeks that I wanted to install and finally got around to get a few going. There's a bunch more to go don't you worry! SubtleLock is available in the BigBoss repo for a small price tag of only $1.00. Created by Michael Poole, SubleLock is indeed a nice take on locksreen. Let me know what you think of it, or if you want to provide suggestions please feel free to do so. I have one more tweak coming up!

Tweak #32 - DietBulletin

Back with a few tweaks finally! Being a full time student taking morning and night classes, as well as working two jobs takes it's toll. Can barely find anytime to sit back and relax, but sunday is funday so let's get to it shall we? First up is a simple tweak called DietBulletin. From the name itself maybe you can't take out what it does, but here's it's main purpose:

Look at that skinny banner notification! One of my favorite little additions honestly, especially since now the notifications are less obtrusive. Let's look at what we have in the Settings app..

You can pick either Thin, Default or Status Bar styles for DietBulletin. I have it setup to Thin, which is what you see in the first screenshot. Next one is default if you ever want to revert back to original without uninstalling the tweak. Status Bar is similar to Thin, only difference is there's no rounded corners. Application Titles let's you pick which apps you want to use DietBulletin via ON/OFF toggle switch. Smart Titles will try to include the sender's information within the notification (i.e contact name, etc). Last but not least is the Scroll To End toggle. I found it a little annoying at first so decided to turn it OFF. The typical scrolling animation you see in a notification will be played out fully so you could actually read what's in a text message for example. I turned it off because some longer messages took longer for the notification to be dismissed automatically.

DietBulletin is available for free in the BigBoss repo, from one of the most awesome developers Ryan Petrich. Go forth and tweak your iDevice! More coming up in just a bit!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak

It's finally here! The untethered jailbreak everybody's been waiting for! This will jailbreak all of your iDevices running iOS 6.1 and below. Yes, iOS 6.0.1 and 6.0. And yes, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, new iPod Touch and iPads. All devices except Apple TV. Not going to keep you waiting, let's get to it!!

First thing you want to do is download the new version of TinyUmbrella. Links will be found on the right side of the screen, select the one appropriate to the OS you're on. Launch TinyUmbrella, plug in your device and save your SHSHblobs if you haven't already. Close it down, launch iTunes. Second thing you want to do is backup your iDevice in iTunes or via Wireless Backup. Now, preferably you want to restore and update your iDevice to iOS 6.1 directly through iTunes. DO NOT DO OVER THE AIR UPDATE ON YOU DEVICE! It may cause issues later on. It's always a great idea to do a fresh restore and update before jailbreaking. Then you can sync all your stuff back. Now let's get to the jailbreaking! (note: this is a Windows tutorial).

1: Download the evasi0n jailbreak tool.

2: Once downladed, extract the file and right click on it, run as administrator.

3: Before you proceed, disable the passcode if you have one setup.

4: Plug in your iDevice. Evasi0n should register it.

5: Click on the "Jailbreak" button.

6: Sit back and relax. Do not touch your device until prompted to do so. Let it do it's magic.

7: Evasi0n will ask you to unlock your device. When you do that, you will see a new icon called "Jailbreak". Tap it ONCE and that's it. It will launch, and go back to home screen. At this point, evasi0n will continue doing it's magic. One tap and that's it, leave your device there and don't touch it anymore.

8: Be patient. The device will reboot once or twice, maybe even more than that. Leave it alone, let it continue on it's own. No rush.

9: Evasi0n will finish and say "Done", the rest of the process takes place on the device. Again, leave it be until you see the evasi0n logo at the boot time. When the lockscreen comes up, slide to unlock and there you go! Cydia on your iOS 6.X iDevice!

10: Reenable your passcode now and you're set.

At this point I'm assuming all of you know what you're doing with Cydia on your iDevices. When you launch Cydia, select wether you're a User, Hacker or Developer and Cydia will load all the packages and exit. Then you can launch Cydia again and setup your sources and install your favorite tweaks. That's all there is to it! Congrats, you have successfully jailbroken your device! I think now it's the best time to upgrade to iPhone 5 for me! :)

Remember, this was a Windows tutorial but you can click here for more detailed instructions as well as a video or here for the Mac version. Linux is supported but I don't have a way of telling you how, I would assume it would be similar in launching the program, but all the steps in regards to waiting, taping "Jailbreak" icon once and waiting some more are definitely the same.

I am not responsible for what you do to your device, if it breaks then it's on you. Don't try this unless you know what you're doing.

Note: if any of the tweaks or sources do not load for some reason, please give a try again later on. There's thousands of others trying to do the same thing at the same time so servers are overloaded. I'll just wait a little bit longer until it all calms down. :)

Enjoy your untethered freedom! And please support the devs with any amount by donating here. They're not asking for any money, but I think it's our duty to say "Thank You" for all their hard work they put into this tool for all of us to use. Keep an eye out on this blog because I've already noticed a few cool new tweaks that are well worthy of reviewing!


Saturday, February 2, 2013


Happy (late) New Year!

Due to the fact there aren't that many interesting tweaks out currently, it's very difficult to write posts on this blog. But, there was a team formed just recently that will be announcing an untethered jailbreak for iOS6 across all iDevices. I strongly suggest for everyone to head on over to their website and donate for their hard work. We can expect (supposedly) the jailbreak to drop on Sunday, February 3rd, 2013. That's right, just one more day until then! I'm really hoping for a lot of the tweaks to be finally updated for iOS6 so I can start rolling out new posts.. I'll keep you updated and will come with a guide on how to jailbreak your iDevice, on iOS6, untethered, and yes that will include iPhone 5. :)

Again, I strongly suggest you visit the evasi0n website to check up on the status and donate. Even the smallest amount is appreciated. These guys work hard on their free, spare time to make everyone around the world happy with a jailbreak.

I'd like to thank everyone for visiting this blog and checking out my posts. Already surpassed 13k views, which I think is fantastic. A little update on the phone: still have my iPhone 4, which works fine but I've been thinking about an upgrade since I'm eligible starting last month and wanted to test drive a Windows 7 phone, or the newly released BlackBerry Z10. We'll see, but since I love iOS so much I'll stick with that for a long time, maybe a small upgrade to either iPhone 4S or perhaps the new 5. Then again, supposedly a new iPhone is dropping this coming June. ;)

Check back for a jailbreak tutorial as soon as it lands!


UPDATE 1: looks like evasi0n will be released tomorrow (Monday, February 4th). Almost all devices up to iOS 6.1 will be supported. Only update your iDevice using iTunes, DO NOT UPDATE OVER THE AIR VIA SETTINGS!! Launch iTunes, backup all your data and update.

UPDATE 2: please download the latest version of TinyUmbrella to save your SHSH blobs before you update to iOS 6.1 if you haven't done so. This will allow you to downgrade in the future, it's a "just in case" measure. Not necessary but strongly suggested. I will write out tutorials as soon as I can (full time school and work are taking a lot of my time).

UPDATE 3: Well looks like I won't be able to enjoy the jailbreak until late Monday night or possibly Tuesday morning. But rest assured that a tutorial will be posted ASAP!